Creative direction  |  Print and editorial design  |  Web design

Fraud Magazine

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Fraud Magazine is a key resource for professionals seeking timely, insightful articles on white-collar crime and fraud examination techniques. The bimonthly magazine has a circulation of more than 65,000 and is continually cited as the top member benefit of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. A website, mobile app and email newsletter accompany the print magazine.

In addition being responsible for the publication's layout and production, I’ve been dedicated to take the magazine to new levels during my tenure as art director. Check out the story of the magazine’s progression.

FM Goliath cover.jpg

The last issue of 2017 was a true collaboration among many talented people. To tell the stories of a courageous whistleblower, fraud in the olive oil industry, the infamous Wells Fargo scandal and more, I brought together various illustrators and photographers to create one of our most diverse and interesting issues yet.


Raz Latif

Helen Elliott

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FM Goliath spread 3.jpg
FM Goliath spread 4.png
I worked as a freelance illustrator under the art direction of Helen Elliott for Fraud Magazine’s Nov/Dec Issue. I had a wonderful and smooth experience working with Helen in both a creative and professional manner. Helen’s attentiveness and direction were exceptional and easily one of my favourite people to work with!”
— Raz Latif, freelance illustrator
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For a story about olive oil fraud, I envisioned a top view spread of olive oil and accompaniments, with typography set in olive oil. We wanted the story to be authentic as possible so instead of using Photoshop for the effect, we decided to work with natural liquids. We experimented with several at the shoot — turns out light corn syrup with added yellow food coloring gave us the perfect consistency and sheen. 


George Brainard

Becky Plante and Helen Elliott

Helen Elliott

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FM olive oil.jpg

The issue also included various illustrations for stories on Wells Fargo, arson fraud and “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli. 

Illustrations by (from left to right): Marybeth Daigle, Becky Plante, Helen Elliott

Illustrations by (from left to right): Marybeth Daigle, Becky Plante, Helen Elliott